Category: Did you know?

  • Can You Really Ride a Hoverboard on Grass? We Tested It Out!

    Can You Really Ride a Hoverboard on Grass? We Tested It Out!

    You’ve probably seen people riding hoverboards on sidewalks and in other urban areas, but what about grass? Can you really ride a hoverboard on grass? We decided to find out! After doing some research, we discovered that there are mixed opinions on the matter. Some people say that it’s perfectly safe to ride a hoverboard…

  • Can Hoverboards Get Wet?

    Can Hoverboards Get Wet?

    I’ll never forget the time my hoverboard got wet. I was riding through a puddle and didn’t realize how deep it was until it was too late. My hoverboard shorted out and stopped working. I thought for sure it was ruined, but I decided to try and fix it myself. I followed the steps below…

  • How to charge hoverboard without a charger?

    How to charge hoverboard without a charger?

    As anyone who has owned a hoverboard can attest, one of the most important accessories is the charger. Without it, the hoverboard is little more than an expensive paperweight. Losing or breaking your hoverboard charger can be a major bummer, especially if you’re planning on going for a ride. While there are some methods that…